Click on the date to view detailed session and event info for that day.
OPENING CEREMONY: 17:30–17:45 | Pearson Room
A traditional prayer ceremony will be performed by Rachèle Prud’homme, Algonquin Elder
PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: 17:30–18:30 | Pearson Room
The Rise of AI: Death of the Economist? Kara Beckles, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
WELCOME RECEPTION: 18:30–20:30 | Bar/Patio St-Laurent Room
Organized Symposium Session 1: Farmland Values and Ownership: A View from the Past and a Look into the Future
Organized by Nicoleta Uzea, AAFC
Laurier Room
- Interest Rates, Trade, and Farm Revenues: What Does It Mean for Canada’s Farmland Market? Craig Klemmer, Farm Credit Canada
- Dynamics of Farmland Ownership and Leasing for Beginning and Established Farmers Nicoleta Uzea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Angela Chen, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Farmland Ownership, Land Values, and Adoption of Conservation Practices Chad Lawley, University of Manitoba
- The Evolving Methodology of Producing Farmland Valuations Erik Dorff, Statistics Canada
Selected Paper Session 1: Agri-Business
Moderator: Mohammad Torshizi, University of Alberta
St. Laurent Room
- Price Effects of Common Ownership in the Seed Sector Mohammad Torshizi, University of Alberta
- A Study of Western Canadian Farmers’ Attitudes towards Seed Royalties and Levy-Paid Producer-Led Research and Breeding Monika Cule, University of Regina; Viktoriya Galushko, University of Regina; Richard Gray, University of Saskatchewan
- Profile of Agricultural Co-Operatives in British Columbia and Their Roles in the Regional Food Systems Wallapak Polasub, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Sustainable Farming, Economic Diversification and the Technical Efficiency of Vegetable Farms in Oman Mouza Al Salmi, Sultan Qaboos University; Msafiri Mbaga, Sultan Qaboos University; Saleem Nadaf, Oman Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
Selected Paper Session 2: Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
Moderator: Alyssa Walpole, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
MacDonald Room
- The Impact of Food Waste Reduction Labels on Consumer Purchase of Soup Mike von Massow, University of Guelph; Andrew Baynham, University of Guelph
- GM Labels and Consumer Choice: The Case of Breakfast Cereal in Canada Amanda Norris, University of Guelph; Mike von Massow, University of Guelph
- The Effect of Labelling Genetically Modified Products on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Andrew Baynham, University of Guelph; Mike von Massow, University of Guelph
- Participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Household Expenditures on Cigarettes and Alcohol Rezgar Mohammed, University of Duhok
Selected Paper Session 3: Trade
Moderator: Sylvanus Afesorgbor, University of Guelph
Lady Elgin Room
- Navigating Mega-Regional Trade Ties in Stormy Asia-Pacific Seas Brad Gilmour, Asia Pacific Foundation
- Learning from Afar: The Relationship between Geographic and Linguistic Distance on Demand Learning Natalia Piedrahita, University of Guelph; Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
- Impact of Slow Steaming on U.S. Imports: Does Time Sensitivity Matter? Khadija Rouchdi, Virginia Tech University
LUNCH: 12:00–13:30
No events planned
CONCURRENT SESSION 2: 13:30 – 15:00 |
Organized Symposium Session 2: “Meet the Editors” Panel Session
Organized by Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
Laurier Room
- Panel:
Alan Ker, University of Guelph, CJAE Managing Editor
Sean B. Cash, Tufts University, CJAE Co-Editor
Getu Hailu, University of Guelph, CJAE Co-Editor
Sebastien Pouliot, Farm Credit Canada, CJAE Co-Editor
Selected Paper Session 4: Agricultural Commodity Markets
Moderator: Derek Brewin, University of Manitoba
St. Laurent Room
- News Announcements and Price Discovery in Agricultural Futures Markets Yu Wu, University of Manitoba; Julieta Frank, University of Manitoba
- Response of Agricultural Commodity Prices to Energy Shocks: New Evidence from China Qingmeng Tong, University of Alberta/Huazhong Agricultural University; Feng Qiu, University of Alberta; Junbiao Zhang, Huazhong Agricultural University
- Do Food Safety Events Have a Long-term Impact on Live Cattle Futures Prices? Arian Khaleghi Moghadam, Bloomsburg University; Claudia Schmidt, Penn State
- The Effect of Commodity Index Trading in Agricultural Futures Markets: A Factor Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach Felix Braeuel, McGill University; Paul Thomassin, McGill University
Selected Paper Session 5: Resource and Environmental Economics
Moderator: Simon Dessureault, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
MacDonald Room
- Incentivizing Hunters to Participate in Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Management in Alberta Lusi Xie, University of Alberta; Wiktor Adamowicz, University of Alberta; Patrick Lloyd-Smith, University of Saskatchewan
- Economic Incentives for Land Reclamation: Evidence from the Oilsands Industry in Alberta Zhanji Zhang, University of Alberta; Wiktor Adamowicz, University of Alberta; Grant Hauer, University of Alberta
- Valuing Wetlands in Nova Scotia, Canada Patrick Withey, St. Francis Xavier University
- The Effect of Source Water Quality on Water Treatment Costs: Evaluation of Source Water Protection Practices Ravkat Mukhtarov, University of Alberta; Grant Hauer, University of Alberta; Wiktor Adamowicz, University of Alberta
Selected Paper Session 6: Farm Labour and Employment
Moderator: Ivan Kandilov, North Carolina State University
Lady Elgin Room
- The Determinants of U.S. Agricultural Wages Amy Kandilov, RTI International; Ivan Kandilov, North Carolina State University
- Integration of Mathematical Programing and SAM Modeling Approaches for Agricultural Development Analysis: An Application to Iran Habibollah Salami, University of Tehran; Hassan Mafi, University of Tehran; Vahedeh Ansari, University of Tehran
- Analysis of Agriculture Sector Employees from the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Alexandre Perras-White, Statistics Canada; Martin Beaulieu, Statistics Canada
- The Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansions on Agricultural Workers’ Health Insurance Coverage, Medical Care Utilization, and Labor Supply Amy Kandilov, RTI International; Ivan Kandilov, North Carolina State University
CONCURRENT SESSION 3: 15:30–17:00 |
Organized Symposium Session 3: A Debate on the Proposition: “The future performance and growth of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector will depend on increased diversification of exports to several foreign markets”
Organized by Samuel Bonti-Ankomah and Deepananda Herath, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Moderator: Kara Beckles, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Laurier Room
- Debaters:
William Kerr, University of Saskatchewan
Bruno Larue, Université Laval
James Rude, University of Alberta
Rakhal Sarker, University of Guelph
Selected Paper Session 7: Livestock Industry Issues
Moderator: Tongzhe Li, University of Guelph
St. Laurent Room
- Piggy me? Anthropomorphism and Farm Animal Welfare (FAW) Preferences in Pigs Albert Boaitey, University of Wisconsin-River Falls; Simon Jette Nantel, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
- Farm Animal Welfare Perceptions for Dairy Calves: A Survey of U.S. Adults, Youths, and Parent-Child Linkages Kota Minegishi, University of Minnesota; Albert Boaitey, University of Wisconsin- River Falls
- A Cherry on Top? Non-Additivity in the Willingness to Pay for a Novel Environmentally Friendly Technology in Livestock Production David Worden, University of Guelph; Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
- The Economics of Genomic Information Sharing in the Alberta Beef Sector Yu Feng, University of Alberta; Henry An, University of Alberta; Philippe Marcoul, University of Alberta
Selected Paper Session 8: Land Issues
Moderator: Richard Vyn, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
MacDonald Room
- Impact of the Ontario Greenbelt Legislation on Land Values and Housing Values in the Rural-Urban Fringe Edwige Tia, University of Guelph; B. James Deaton, University of Guelph; Richard Vyn, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
- Prices Paid for Farmland in Ontario: Does Buyer Type Matter? Richard Vyn, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus; Max Shang, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
- Comparing Willingness-to-Pay and Willingness-to-Accept Approaches for Valuing Farmland Conversion and Protection in Alberta Yicong Luo, University of Alberta; Brent Swallow, University of Alberta
- Property Rights, Institutional Change, and Economic Development: Evidence from the First Nations Land Management Act Liam Kelly, University of Guelph; B. James Deaton, University of Guelph
Selected Paper Session 9: Agri-food and Environmental Policy
Moderator: Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy, University of Lethbridge
Lady Elgin Room
- Assessing the Effect of Food Retail Subsidies on the Price of Food in Remote Indigenous Communities: A Case Study of the Nutrition North Canada Subsidy Program Jamie Naylor, University of Guelph; B. James Deaton, University of Guelph
- Fostering Climate Resilient Food Systems and Improving Nutritional Outcomes Brad Gilmour, Asia Pacific Foundation
- Policy Discourse Analysis on Agro-Ecological Farming in the European Union (The Example of Hungary) Zoltán Bakucs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Grain Price Support Policy and Production Costs in China: A Panel Bounds Testing Approach Jiarong Qian, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET: 19:00–21:00 | Pearson Room
Sold out. Attendees and guests must wear their name badges to enter.
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: 9:00–10:00 | Pearson Room
Supported by Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Foundation
Understanding, Predicting and Influencing Farmer Behaviour
David Pannell, University of Western Australia
JOB FAIR: 10:00–17:00
Check-in (8:30-12:00) – Main Lobby Registration Desk
Meet & Greet (10:00-12:00) – Ontario Room
Interviews (10:00-17:00) – AAFC Interviews in Boardroom 800
CONCURRENT SESSION 4: 10:30–12:00 |
Organized Symposium Session 4: Austrian Perspectives on Agricultural Economics
Organized by Danny Le Roy, University of Lethbridge; Predrag Rajsic, University of Waterloo; and Glenn Fox, University of Guelph
Discussant: Sylvanus Afesorgbor, University of Guelph
Laurier Room
- The Human Side of Trade: From NAFTA to USMCA Danny Le Roy, University of Lethbridge
- Comparative Advantage: A Market Process Perspective Predrag Rajsic, University of Waterloo; Glenn Fox, University of Guelph
- Recent US Climate Change Litigation: Testing the Austrian Approach? Glenn Fox, University of Guelph
- The Dynamics of Interventionism and Food Sovereignty: Towards a Typology Pierre Desrochers, University of Toronto Mississauga
Selected Paper Session 10: Impacts of Farm Support Programs
Moderator: Rakhal Sarker, University of Guelph
St. Laurent Room
- Subsidized Crop Insurance and Technological Change in U.S. Crop Production Anna Chemeris, University of Guelph; Alan Ker, University of Guelph
- Business Risk Management Programs and the Productivity of Ontario Crop Farms Max Shang, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus; Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
- Business Risk Management Programs and Farm-level Investments on Ontario Swine Farms Max Shang, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus; Ken McEwan, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
- Business Risk Management Programs and Risk Balancing Behaviour in Canadian Agriculture: A Case Study of the Hog Sector in Ontario Rakhal Sarker, University of Guelph; Truc Thach, University of Guelph; Yu Na Lee, University of Guelph; Alfons Weersink, University of Guelph
Selected Paper Session 11: Technology and Agriculture
Moderator: Sara Burns, Statistics Canada
MacDonald Room
- Detection of Greenhouses in Satellite and Aerial Imagery using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Sara Burns, Statistics Canada
- Managing the Risks of Product Waste by Means of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy, University of Lethbridge
- Harnessing Technologies for Agricultural Development in Nepal: The Power of Information Nicoletta Giulivi, McGill University
Selected Paper Session 12: Willingness to Pay
Moderator: Msafiri Mbaga, Sultan Qaboos University
Lady Elgin Room
- Acceptability and Willingness to Pay for Vitamin-D Eggs in Quebec Sirine Aouini, Université Laval; Stéphane Bergeron, Université Laval; Maurice Doyon, Université Laval
- Foods beyond Arctic Circle: Consumer Perception and Willingness to Pay for Arctic Foods Yang Yang, University of Saskatchewan; David C. Natcher, University of Saskatchewan; Jill Hobbs, University of Saskatchewan
- Preferences for Local Food: Tourists versus Local Residents Tongzhe Li, University of Guelph
- Oman Consumer’s Ethnocentrism and Willingness to Pay for Locally Produced Value Added Food Products Msafiri Mbaga, Sultan Qaboos University
LUNCH: 12:00–13:30
No events planned
CONCURRENT SESSION 5: 13:30–15:00 |
Organized Symposium Session 5: Focus on Fellows: Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Research in Canada: Past, Present and Future
Organized by Kurt Klein, University of Lethbridge
Session Chair: Douglas Hedley, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, retired
Laurier Room
Supported by the Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Foundation
- The Past: Agriculture Canada’s Bold Initiative in Embedding Economists with Agricultural Scientists Kurt Klein, University of Lethbridge
- The Present: Research Priority Setting: Does Anyone Have the Map? Richard Gray, University of Saskatchewan
- The Future: Funding and Evaluating Agricultural Science in the 21st Century Glenn Fox, University of Guelph
- Commentary Andrew Schmitz, University of Florida
Selected Paper Session 13: Dairy Industry
Moderator: Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
St. Laurent Room
- Assessment of the Financial Health of Quebec Dairy Farms Jean-Charles Toupin, Université Laval; Martin Beaulieu, Statistics Canada
- Organic or Conventional? Profitability on Ontario’s Dairy Farms David Worden, University of Guelph; Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
- Impacts of Trade Liberalization in Canada’s Supply Managed Dairy Industry Scott Biden, University of Guelph; Alan Ker, University of Guelph
- Dairy Exports from Canada in the New Millennium: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Rakhal Sarker, University of Guelph; Corinne Stairs, University of Guelph
Selected Paper Session 14: International Rural Issues
Moderator: Yu Na Lee, University of Guelph
MacDonald Room
- Does Food Price Volatility Drive Migration? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia Yu Na Lee, University of Guelph
- Estimating the Determinants of Non-Farm Enterprise Diversification in Rural Ethiopia: A Panel Data Double-Hurdle Model Precious Tshabalala, Universiti Putra Malaysia; Shaufique Sidique, Universiti Putra Malaysia; Yeong Sheng Tey, Universiti Putra Malaysia
- The Causal Effect of Public Infrastructure on Women’s Empowerment in Rural Communities of India Monica Shandal, University of Alberta; Sandeep Mohapatra, University of Alberta; Brent Swallow, University of Alberta; Prakashan Veettil, International Rice Research Institute
- Using Economics and Climate Science as Instruments for Climate Change Education in Rural Communities: Learnings from Tennessee and Kentucky Rachna Tewari, University of Tennessee Martin; Mark Simpson, University of Tennessee Martin; Joseph Mehlhorn, University of Tennessee Martin; Naveen Musunuru, Murray State University; Brian Parr, Murray State University
Selected Paper Session 15: Economics of Agricultural Production Practices
Moderator: Mohammad Khakbazan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lady Elgin Room
- Economic Evaluation of Precision Farming, Tillage Conservation, and Temporal Trends for Wheat and Canola Farming in Western Canada Mohammad Khakbazan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Alan Moulin, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; John Huang, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Patsy Michiels, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- An Analysis of Diversifying Cropping Systems on Canadian Prairies Elwin Smith, University of Lethbridge; Danny Le Roy, University of Lethbridge; Derek Brewin, University of Manitoba; Scott Jeffrey, University of Alberta
- The Impacts of Cover Crop Usage on Crop Yields and Profit Margins in Ontario Danielle Mayers, University of Guelph; Richard Vyn, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus; Laura Van Eerd, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
- Circular Economy: Application to Egg Production in Canada Roger Rukundo, Université Laval; Stéphane Bergeron, Université Laval; Ibrahima Bocoum, Université Laval; Maurice Doyon, Université Laval
CONCURRENT SESSION 6: 15:30–17:00 |
Organized Symposium Session 6: Cannabis in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
Organized by Deepananda Herath and Samuel Bonti-Ankomah, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Moderator: Katrin Nagelschmitz, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Laurier Room
- Understanding the Economic Importance of Cannabis to the Agriculture Sector Stephen Smith, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Cannabis-Infused Food and Canadian Consumers’ Willingness to Consider Recreational Cannabis as a Food Ingredient Simon Somogyi, University of Guelph
- Legalization, Black-Markets, and the Price of Cannabis Liam Kelly, University of Guelph
- Investment in Superior Genetics and Improved Climate Management: The Agricultural Keys to Maintaining Canada’s Lead in the Cannabis Economy Ernie Small, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Selected Paper Session 16: Food Security
Moderator: Brad Gilmour, Asia Pacific Foundation
St. Laurent Room
- An Empirical Assessment of Food Security in First Nations in Canada B. James Deaton, University of Guelph; Alexander Scholz, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Bethany Lipka, University of Guelph
- An Economic Analysis of Food Bank Use in Canada Angela Sweeney, University of Guelph; Rakhal Sarker, University of Guelph
- Food Security Effects of Improved Crop Protection Products: Evidence from Cotton-Wheat Zone Pakistan Muhammad Bilal, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Bernhard Brümmer, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Jan Barkmann, Hochschule Darmstadt
Selected Paper Session 17: Industrial Organization
Moderator: Bruno Larue, Université Laval
MacDonald Room
- Location Patterns of Craft Breweries in Ontario – Do Micro Breweries Have a Preference Among Communities? Claudia Schmidt, Penn State; Arian Khaleghi Moghadam, Bloomsburg University
- Finance Source, Innovation, and Productivity in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector Joseph Raymond, University of Guelph; Getu Hailu, University of Guelph
- The Influence of Rural Tourism on Agricultural Socialization Service from the Perspective of Industrial Convergence Bin Huang, Renmin University of China; Zhen Zhong, Renmin University of China; Xiangzhi Kong, Renmin University of China
Selected Paper Session 18: Farm Finance and Management
Moderator: Nicoleta Uzea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lady Elgin Room
- Contributions to Monthly Percent Changes for Farm Product Price Indexes Andrew Baldwin, Andrew Baldwin Consultants
- Indebtedness and Financial Stress in Canadian Farms Bertrand Montel, Groupe AGECO
- Dynamics of Farm Entry and Exit Hongyu Chen, University of Guelph; Alfons Weersink, University of Guelph; Martin Beaulieu, Statistics Canada; Yu Na Lee, University of Guelph
- A Clustering Approach to Understanding Farmers Success Strategies Chinonso Etumnu, Purdue University
CAES BOARD MEETING: 17:00–18:00 | Pearson Room
By invitation
POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: 8:30 – 16:00 | Lady Elgin Room
Evaluation of Public Policy and Programs Using Observational Data
Organizers: Getu Hailu, University of Guelph; Kara Beckles, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada