Registration and Membership Requirements
To remain in the conference program, all presenters, discussants, panelists and moderators must be CAES members and registered for the Annual Meeting no later than May 30, 2019. In addition, CAES membership must be current during the annual meeting dates (July 9-12).
- Paper sessions are 90 minutes.
- Most sessions have 4 presenters but some have 3.
- Presentations should be at maximum 20 minutes unless otherwise discussed with moderator.
- Moderators will arrange for a laptop to be present. We also recommend that presenters bring their own laptops in case of computer issues.
- Presenters are strongly encouraged to arrive 10 minutes before their sessions start to upload the presentation files.
- Primary responsibility is to help facilitate the presentations.
- Bring a laptop or arrange with presenters for a laptop to be present.
- Decide on an appropriate format, for example, questions after each presentation or discussion at end.
- Help presenters keep presentations to the time allotted to them.
- Facilitate discussion as time allows.
Audio/Visual Equipment
- Each presentation room will be equipped with an LCD projector, screen, and microphone if required.
- Overhead projectors and laptop computers are not provided.
- Moderators will arrange for a laptop to be present, however, presenters should bring their own laptops in case of computer issues.