Meet the 2018 CAES Award Winners!

Atakelty Hailu (left) and Terrence Veeman (right)
Publication of Enduring Quality Award Winners
Atakelty Hailu and Terrence Veeman. Non-parametric Productivity Analysis with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83 (3): 605-616 (August 2001)
Comments: This article has stood the test of time and makes both a substantive conceptual modeling contribution that can be applied in many different contexts, as well as a useful industry set of measures that continue to be referenced. It is regularly cited (Scopus: 246 times) including 10 new citations already in 2018 (2014-33, 2015-30, 2016-39, 2017-44) and has also been cited in a broad range of outlets; journals of forestry, policy, economics, agricultural economics, resource and environmental economics, operations research, and agricultural science; and prestigious outlets like the Handbook of Research on Strategic Performance Management and Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis.

Zhenhua Sun (left)
Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award Winner
Zhenhua Sun for the thesis: “Differentiating the Effects of Risk-Aversion and Overconfidence among Agricultural Enterprises” supervised by Ying (Jessica) Cao and Alfons Weersink, Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Guelph
Comments: The thesis is an original and cutting-edge piece of research which has high significance for the field of agricultural economics. The thesis contributes to both the theoretical and empirical literature by disentangling the effects of overconfidence and risk-aversion on businesses. More interestingly, the findings show that overconfidence and risk aversion can have offsetting impacts on market behavior. The findings can be generalized to other contexts of decision-making under uncertainty.
Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award Honourable Mention
Stephen Bruce for the thesis: “Economics of Beneficial Management Practices Adoption by Beef Producers in Southern Alberta” supervised by Scott Jeffrey, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta
Outstanding CJAE Article Award Winners

Bruno Larue (left)
Bruno Larue, Alphonse Singbo, Sébastien Pouliot. Production Rigidity, Input Lumpiness, Efficiency, and the Technological Hurdle of Quebec Dairy Farms. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 65 (4): 613-641 (December 2017)
Comments: This is a timely contribution in light of the new round of negotiations over NAFTA and the perceived changes in trade patterns that may follow. The authors conduct a thorough analysis of the current Quebec dairy quota system and provide specific recommendations on how the quota system can be improved to facilitate more efficiency and make the Quebec dairy sector more competitive.
Outstanding CJAE Article Award Honourable Mention
Alexander Cairns, Tor Tolhurst, Kenneth Poon, Alan P. Ker, Stephen Duff, David Jacques, Lin Yang. The Economic Impact of a Foot‐and‐Mouth Disease Outbreak for Ontario’s Beef Sector. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 65 (1): 159-183 (March 2017)
Undergraduate Book Prize Winners
Kasha Foster, University of British Columbia
Kyle Wheeler, University of Alberta
Connor Morse, Dalhousie University
Amanda Norris, University of Guelph
Laura Morissette, Université Laval
Darcy Juhar, University of Lethbridge
Micheline Le Heiget, University of Manitoba
Steven Paolitto, McGill University
Brandi Guidinger, University of Saskatchewan