Call for Submissions
We are accepting submissions of abstracts for the Selected Paper program, CAES Graduate Paper Competition, and proposals for Organized Sessions.
Submissions on any aspect of agricultural or resource economics—encompassing research, teaching, and/or outreach—are encouraged. This includes, but is not limited to, the following fields: agribusiness; agricultural finance; agricultural marketing, demand, and price analysis; community and regional economics; consumer and household economics; environmental and resource economics; experimental and behavioral economics; food and agricultural policy; international trade and development; production economics and farm/ranch management; quantitative and research methods.
Registration and membership requirements:
- Presenters must be members of the CAES and registered for the annual meeting by April 4th, 2025. Registration will open in February.
- Presenters are not required to be members of the CEA.
Submission instructions:
- Submit your abstract/paper by clicking on the Submission Portal link on the CEA conference website, available here:
- You will need to create a new conference account on the submission portal. If you are already a CAES member, it is important that you use the exact same email address used for your CAES membership.
- Once you have created an account and logged in, you may begin your submission.
- Please enter the title and abstract directly on the submission website. The title should not exceed 50 words, and the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- You must enter the names, emails, and affiliation information of all authors, including yourself.
- Please select your preferred presentation format: oral in-person on May 30th–31st or oral online on May 23rd. (Note: The CAES does not have a separate poster competition.) You cannot change the format after the submission deadline, February 14th, 2025.
- IMPORTANT! In the 2025 conference, the CAES will function logistically as a study group/section within the CEA. To ensure your presentation is included in the CAES program, please select “Agricultural Economics” from the Subject Area dropdown menu AND enter “2025 CAES Selected Papers” in the “Comments” section at the bottom of the page. If you select a different subject area, your presentation may NOT be included in the CAES Selected Paper Program and could be assigned to another study group within the CEA based on the subject area that you choose.
- An author is allowed one (1) submission as the presenting author. This rule applies even if you are submitting to multiple study groups within the CEA, aside from “Agricultural Economics.” You may be listed as a co-author on multiple submissions, but if you are listed as the presenting author on more than one submission, only the latest submission will be accepted, and all earlier submissions will be deleted from the system. To avoid any confusion, please remove any extra submissions and ensure that only the submission you wish to have reviewed remains in your profile.
- You are encouraged to submit full-length papers by uploading a PDF file in the “Upload file” section, though this is not a requirement.
- Selection will be based on input from blind peer reviews. If your paper is accepted, it is expected that you are available to serve as a discussant and/or session chair at other sessions within your areas of interest.
Submission deadline: February 14th, 2025
Direct all inquiries and correspondence to the 2025 CAES Selected Paper Program Co-Chairs Yu Na Lee, University of Guelph,, or Yang Yang, University of Saskatchewan,, or both.
There will be a CAES Graduate Student Paper Competition, which will be held in one or two sessions on May 30th, depending on the number and quality of submissions we will receive. Submissions should be based on academic research papers on any aspect of agricultural or resource economics.
The competition is open to both master’s and doctoral students. To be eligible for this competition, a student must: a) be the lead author of the selected paper, and b) be able to submit the full-length paper by April 15, 2025. Only abstracts are required by the February 14 deadline. Selected participants will be contacted with further details.
- 1st Prize: $300 and an award certificate
- 2nd Prize: $200 and an award certificate
- 3rd Prize: $100 and an award certificate
Submission instructions:
- Submit your abstract by clicking on Submission Portal of the CEA conference website, accessed through the following link:
- You will need to create a *new* conference account for your submission. If you are already a CAES member, it is important that you use the exact same email address used for your CAES membership on the CAES website:
- Once you have created an account and logged in, you may begin your submission.
- Please enter the title and abstract directly on the submission website. The title should not exceed 50 words, and the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- You must enter the names, emails, and affiliation information of all authors, including yourself.
- Each member may be the presenting author on up to ONE submitted abstract, including the abstract submitted for the Graduate Paper Competition. This means that you cannot submit to both the Graduate Paper Competition and Selected Papers as a presenting author. However, there are no limits to co-authorship on other abstracts submitted by other individuals. This rule applies even if you are submitting to multiple study groups within the CEA, aside from “Agricultural Economics.” Papers not selected for the CAES Graduate Paper Competition may still be considered for inclusion in the CAES Selected Paper sessions.
- IMPORTANT! Please choose the means of presentation “Oral in-person on May 30th -31st” from the dropdown menu. The CAES does not have a separate poster competition. Participants in the CAES Graduate Paper Competition must participate in person. In the 2025 conference, the CAES will function logistically as a section or study group within the CEA. To ensure your presentation is included in the CAES Graduate Paper Competition, please select “Agricultural Economics” from the Subject Area dropdown menu AND enter “2025 CAES Graduate Paper Competition” in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. If you select a different subject area, your presentation may NOT be included in the CAES Graduate Paper Competition and could be considered for another study group within the CEA.
- You are encouraged to submit full-length papers by uploading a PDF file in the “Upload file” section, though this is not required when submitting your abstract.
- Selection will be based on feedback from blind peer reviews and a committee decision led by the Graduate Paper Competition Chair.
Submission deadline: February 14th, 2025
Direct all inquiries and correspondence to the CAES Administrative Assistant Ashley Klotz at
Organized symposia provide an opportunity to explore ideas that are relevant to the CAES and agricultural economics discipline. We are particularly interested in exploring novel formats, new ideas, and broader engagement strategies. We encourage members to make the most of this opportunity.
Registration and membership requirements:
- Presenters must be members of the CAES and registered for the Annual Meeting by April 4th, 2025. Registration will open in February.
Proposal instructions:
- Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and be submitted as a PDF file with double spacing.
- The session format is open and may involve panel discussions of prepared questions, debates, roundtable meetings, or other formats.
- The “one submission per presenting author” rule for the CAES Selected Paper sessions does not apply in this case. This means that you may serve as the presenting author for a CAES Selected Paper session and also present at the Organized Symposia.
Proposals must include the following:
- Session title
- Description of the topic, including why it will generate discussion
- Description of the session format
- List of session participants, their affiliations and email addresses, and the role each will play in the session
- List of paper or presentation titles, including all authors and their affiliations
Submission deadline: February 14th, 2025
Selection and notification:
- A committee headed by the CAES President will evaluate the proposals.
- Final selection of proposals will be based on a clearly-worded rationale for their proposed organized symposium.
How to submit:
- Email PDF proposals to CAES President Yu Na Lee at
- Put “CAES 2025 Organized Symposia” in the subject line.
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